The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Annual 1975

Caption: Curse of the Dead, Picture: Four Spacesuited figures on planet surface (which looks suspicially like the moon surface!)
"It can't be happening! It's like some terrible
nightmare!" Commander John Koenig crouched
in the dust-shrouded rubble of the underground
chamber--some kind of cellar that was part of a
ruined city. The relic of a civilisation long since
vanished. Beside him, Doctor Helena Russell moaned
softly, shivering even under the covers of the ancient
material he'd pulled round her. Concussed, she was
as helpless as a child!
   Koenig looked up, his ears straining for the sound
of the four men on the surface. His men. Techni-
cians from Moonbase Alpha who--was it only
twenty four hours ago--had been grinning re-
assuringly at him in the briefing area of Main
Mission. But now--now they were hunting him.
Searching for him and the injured woman, with only
one purpose in their minds. Murder. Something
terrible had happened to these men. Something
beyond Koenig's understanding. They were going
to kill him--and there was practically nothing that
he could do about it! If Koenig ever needed help,
it was now . . . but his Comlock was broken.
Shattered in a fall. He hadn't even got the power to
call Moonbase for assistance . . .

They had made a long-range probe survey of the
planet as soon as it had been sighted and identi-
fied. All the resources of Moonbase technology had
been marshalled to investigate the possibilities. For
the survivors of the cataclysm that had separated
Moon from Earth were still desperately seeking a
Inexplicably, the four technicians from Moon-
base Alpha had become hunters! Now, with the
urge to kill, they began searching for the
entrance to the underground chamber . . .

new home somewhere in their unalterable journey
across space.
   The reports had been good. No, more than that.
Excellent. Atmosphere compatible. Temperature,
cold but bearable. Traces of vegetation--but none
of organo-biological life. It had seemed that the
place was inhabitable, yet uninhabited.
   The first initiation of Project Exodus--the plan
to evacuate the Moonbase personnel--had been
put into operation, and a manned craft, with four

And waiting beneath them, their quarry! Their
own leader--Commander John Koenig, bur-
dened with his helpless colleague, Doctor
Helena Russell!

John and Helena huddle together in the ruins

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