Top Ten Practical Jokes to Play on Moonbase Alpha

10.Replace the coffee they normally serve with nuclear waste from Disposal Area #2
9.Turn up the artificial gravity in the Commander's cabin so he thinks he's putting on weight
8.Stick a sign to the back of Kano's head that says 'Intel Inside'
7.Rig all the commpost screens to play "Melrose Place"
6.Cut a circle out of black construction paper, tape it to the screen in Main Mission and yell "Oh, no!! Another black hole!"
5.Disassemble an entire Eagle and rebuild it in the Commander's office.
4.Program Computer to report that the AE-35 unit is failing.
3.Convince everyone you're under the control of microscopic alien intelligences living in Paul's moustache.
2.Label Alan's Eagle with a 'This Side Up' sticker.
1.Hide a clove of garlic in everybody's space helmet.