The Catacombs The Conventions
Fanderson conventions
Fanderson 84

Fanderson 84 was the third Fanderson convention (after Fanderson 81 and Fanderson 82). It was held at the same location as Fanderson 82, the Bloomsbury Crest Hotel, Coram Street, on 17-19 August 1984. Guests were Gerry Anderson, Bob Bell, Ed Bishop, David Graham, Christine Glanville, Stephen Begg, Nicholas Parsons and Denise Bryer. Zienia Merton was invited (and appeared in the brochure), but could not attend.

The brochure had an art cover by Steve Kyte, and 20 pages, with biographies of the guests, followed by photos from the series (up to the new series, Terrahawks)

The programme. Home video was only just starting at this time, and even the keenest fans had not seen the episodes for years, so episode screenings were popular.