The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Annual 1975

qualified survey technicians aboard, had been sent
to make landfall and report. It had been smooth.
Almost too smooth.
Koenig remembered the calm, confident words of
the survey team immediately after their Eagle had
landed on the planet. The excitement in the voice of
the leader, Dumaine. "Buildings, Commander!
Ruins, sure enough--but clear buildings!"
And then the discovery of crumbled, humanoid
skeletons--some of almost pygmy size, others of
immense stature. Skeletons that a portable carbon-
dater had placed at over ten thousand years old!
"It's a dead planet, sir," the report had come.
"It looks as though something happened to the
inhabitants. Wiped them out wholesale We're
going to move further in amongst the buildings. I can
see some of them still relatively undamaged . . ."
As it had come in, the information had all been
fed to David Kano's computer. Minute details--
air-carried radiation count--detectable micro radio
activity--light-waves and bacteriological saturation.
The flat voice of the computer had been reassuring.
"All conditions are perfect in the light of known
And then it had happened! Over the radio link,
Technician Dumaine's voice suddenly rose from an
even, level tone to a cry that was almost one of pain!
"The light! The green light ! That was all. Then
silence--silence that lasted a full minute before it
was replaced by an animal growling. A growling
that struck chill into the hearts of the listeners on
Moonbase! For the growling clearly came from the
throats of Dumaine and his men!
It had been impossible to get any further sense
from the men on the strange planet. Koenig had had
to come to a snap decision. "Something's affected
them down there. I'm going in myself!"
Helena Russell had insisted on accompanying
him. She'd pointed out that he was no doctor. And
that, whatever had happened to Dumaine and his
crew, it could be a medical problem. And so the
two of them, armed and ready for anything, had set
out in the Command Eagle to make contact.
It hadn't taken them long to find the technicians.
They were there--among the ruins of the old, long-
abandoned city. And they were fighting amongst
themselves. Fighting as if to the death!
"Stun-guns, Helena!" Koenig had gritted out the
words as their Eagle touched down. "We'll have to
knock them out for immediate examination."
No sooner had they come out in the open than the
technicians had separated from their own struggles.
And instantly, the fire of stun-guns had been turned
on Koenig and Helena! So swift and unexpected
had been the attack that they were taken completely
by surprise! With shots--shots aimed to kill--
splattering the rubble around them, they had fallen
back, and all at once, a blast from Dumaine's own
gun had blown apart a section of masonry at their

What unknown danger lay on the mysterious
planet? What was it that made technicians from
Moonbase Alpha inexplicable attack each other
with ferocious violence . . .?
Spacesuited figures fighting on the planet surface

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