The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Annual 1976

towards the covering veils of atmosphere--drifting so
peacefully above the faraway globe. . . .
   "This is Koenig." In Main Mission, the Commander
thumbs the comlock button that uts him in
immediate touch, personally, with every room,
workshop and area on Moonbase.
   "Personnel will make ready to board exodus
vehicles as laid down on standing orders, book one.
Biological staff will make sure that all specimens of
plant seed and fertilizer are to hand. Historical section
will take all microfilm of data. Analysts will pack all
chemical samples. . . ." The voice goes on. The
instructions repeat. There must be nothing left on the
Moon that can be of any use. Everything must go
down with the new colonists of the planet--provided
that the planet is inhabitable. . . .
   And then it comes. The new from Alan Carter's
Eagle, first down through the clouds of atmosphere
that shroud the place.
   "Commander. I guess I know why we didn't get any
response to the audio signals we sent down!"
   "Tell me, Alan!" Commander Koenig is up close to
the big video screen that puts him in touch with his
chief pilot.
   "It's water, sir! The whole surface of the planet is
water !"
   Koenig shrugs. He feels like a kid who's been offered
a sweet, only to find that it's made of glass. "Water.
Fine. We have a perfect atmosphere, a gravity just like
Earth's--and a planet that's made of liquid. You'd
better return to base, Alan. We just aren't fish!"
Caption: Koenig and Bergman agree to put Operation Exodus on full standby!, Picture: Koenig and Bergman examining a computer printout
Caption: The lead Eagle turns back from the cloud-shrouded planet--it's captain's voice thick with disappointment..., Picture: Eagle in space
   "I knew there'd be something !" Mrs. Talma
Manisch starts pegging up her washing on the line
again, "Didn't I tell you, Tania?"
   "You said there might be hostiles down there," says
Tanis, "And you were wrong. Listen--we might beat
hostiles, but we can't beat a bad environment!"
   She smiles. But there is real disappointment in her
eyes. Operation Exodus stands down--and Moonbase
Alpha, welded to its runaway chunk of space matter,
whirls on--into the unknown. . . .

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