The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Annual 1977

Lamnians in Command Center
chums in equal time."
   They had the impression that the shapeless,
monstrous lump of matter that was Borg shrugged.
It must have been an impression conveyed by tele-
pathy. "We can control our radioactivity, Com-
mander. After all, it sustains our very existence. We
do not run around spraying it hither and thither. It
would be like you opening your veins and releasing
your blood. How long do you think you would last?"
   "He's into our minds, all right," muttered Koenig.
"He's even fathomed out how we work. Alan - give
her thrust and back off out of the immediate radia-
tion zone. I want to make a test."
   As Alan moved the controls to obey the order,
Borg's voice came through again. "I see your wish,
Commander. My people and I will follow, so that you
can turn your radiation detectors full upon us. And
your men . . ." he gestured to Hallam and Whitney.
"Shall I convey to them your order to return to
   "I'll do it myself, Borg, thank you. They've had
enough shocks for one day." Direct transmission
put the Commander in touch with his shaken men.
"Pull out. Full decontamination procedure, and
check in with Doctor Russell. Then hit the sack -
you've earned a break."

   Borg had apparently been telling the truth. A short
range check outside the radiation area proved
that the aliens themselves emitted no kind of danger-
ous force. And they had been careful to replace the
chute seals, as Koenig had asked.
   "It's difficult to believe that creatures like that
could be on the level," said Carter. "But I guess you
just can't judge by appearances."
   "Maybe not. But I'm putting full security alert on
Main Mission when we let 'em in."
   The impact on Koenig's colleagues was predictable
to say the least. The Lamnians entered quietly, but
even though they'd been warned what to expect,
many of the control personnel gave way to nerves.
Even the stalwart Maya had to fight panic at the sight
of these beings.
   So the conference was edgy. Borg and Koenig
dominated it, and all eyes were on them alone. It was
Borg's suggestion that, since they were properly under-

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