The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Annual 1977

   Nothing hindered Koenig
and his friends as they warily left
their Eagle. No force struck them
down. It was Helena who first
discovered the cavern entrance
that led downwards from the
crater's surface, and it was Alan
Carter, stun-gun drawn, who led
the way.
   Through twisting rock passages
their path took them in a seemingly
endless spiral - until, abruptly, they
emerged in a vast cavern, where
beings toiled with pick and basket
chipping remorselessly away at the
rocks around them.
   "The crews of the crashed ships,
Commander?" Lew Picard's
question was more of a statement.
   Koenig nodded grimly. "And
look at them. Zombies, all of them.
They don't even sense our
   Carter's hand fell suddenly on
Koenig's arm, the fingers painful
with tension. "Look, John! Look!"
   It was pilot Torens. Co-flyer of
Survey Eagle One. And he was
just like the rest. A glassy-eyed
automaton, streaked with dirt, a
mindless slave toiling in Mentor's
   Keonig jumped towrads him,
hands outstretched. And a blast
of energy as quickly hurled him
back at the feet of his
   "Nnuhhh! Some - sort of force-
field around him. . ." Koenig
clambered dizzily to his feet.
"We've got to get out of here -
before we suffer the same fate!"
   "We can't leave Torens!"
Helena's voice was shrill with
   "No." Koenig shook his head,
slowly. "First, we locate Mentor!"
   And then, from behind them,
came the hurried footfalls that
made them spin round, guns at the
ready! The weird, helmeted
humanoids with rifles of thier
own - rifles that spat streams of
energy in blasting, destructive
   Alan and Helena had no
chance. Koenig saw them fall
even as his own weapon spat death
at the attackers! His shot struck
home, and for an instant, a green
glow enveloped his target. Then
it vanished as though it had never
been there!
   The Commander just had time
to hear Picard, his voice at panic-
level, scream, "Molecular trans-
formation! Creatures conjured
out of nothing!" And then came
oblivion as something slammed
him in the chest and stretched him
senseless on the ground!

Koenig awoke to find himself
lying amidst a mind-boggling
array of electronic consoles, each
surmounted with a cluster of
thick transparent cylinders, in
which multi-coloured liquids
boiled and bubbled. His mind
struggled to try and grasp their
meaning. And then came
Mentor's voice. . .
   "It's called Psyche, Comman-
der. A biological computer."
   The bearded man was smiling
down at him, and Koenig eased
himself to his feet. He was aware
of another presence. Turned to
look into the deep, almost violet
eyes of Maya.
   "Welcome, Commander John
Koenig," she said. "I am Maya.
Mentor's daughter. Oh - please
don't worry about your friends.
They're quite safe."
   "If you're as trustworthy as
Helena and Alan being held captive by Mentor's enslaved alien

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