SFX footage from the World Backgrounds library. The library contains many alternative takes and longer shots (sometimes including clapperboards). A few examples have appeared on the Network DVDs bonus disc, but many have never been seen. Episode shots are outlined in red, all other shots from the library.
Satazius with small ships. Two static shots. 17 seconds and 20 seconds. Not seen in episode.
Satazius leaves small ships. 20 seconds. As seen in episode.
Satazius leaves planet orbit. 25 seconds. A shorter version appears in the episode; the longer version is also seen in the Network extras.
Seen in the music video for Clouds Across The Moon by the Rah Band (1985).
Satazius approaches camera. 35 seconds. Not seen in episode.
Pan over Satazius underside. 55 seconds. Note this is the yellow Satazius, not the green one seen in the episode. A similar shot is seen in the episode just before the titles.
Pan over yellow Satazius underside. 35 seconds (first 5 seconds static). Not seen in episode.
Static shots of yellow Satazius underside. 15 seconds and 12 seconds. Not seen in episode.
Static close up shot of green Satazius underside, 8 seconds. Not seen in episode.
Satazius approaches Moon. 22 seconds. Similar but different to the shot seen in the episode.
Satazius approaches Moon. 35 seconds. Similar but different to the shot seen in the episode.
Yellow Satazius approaches Moon. At most distant, the ship stops for 2 seconds then disappears. 47 seconds. Not seen in episode.
Yellow Satazius passes over Alha. Not seen in episode, but we see a very similar shot with the green Satazius.
Seen in Woman Woman episode "Time Bomb" (1978).
Yellow Satazius lands on moon, settling behind the hills. One of four versions of this angle (the only one available in HD), none of which was used (the hills look obviously two dimensional when the Satazius settles between them). 1 minute 30 seconds.
Satazius lands on moon. 53 seconds, Satazius first appears after 8 seconds and lands 10 seconds before end of footage. Not used.
Satazius lands on moon. 1 minute 11 seconds, Satazius first appears at 15 seconds and lands 27 seconds before end of footage. Not used.
Satazius lands on moon. 1 minute 27 seconds, Satazius first appears at 22 seconds and lands 7 seconds before end of footage. Not used.
Satazius lands on moon. This is the angle that was used in the episode. One of three takes, this one 53 seconds (ship doesn't start moving for first 7 seconds)
Yellow Satazius lands on moon, 36 seconds (first 4 seconds static).
Seen in the music video for Clouds Across The Moon by the Rah Band (1985).
Satazius lands on moon, 29 seconds (first 4 seconds static)
Satazius lands on moon. Probably same as the first of the above takes, 45 seconds.
Dione's escape capsule crosses lunar surface. 15 seconds. In the last frames, a shadow crosses the lunar surface.
Slow pan towards Satazius hidden in lunar hills (possibly a POV from moonbuggy). 53 seconds. Not used in episode. First shot of clapperboard is in front of a man in overalls sweeping the lunar surface with a broom. Slate 134 tale 2, filmed 16 April 1975 (this is one of the re-shoots at the end of Year 1).
Missile launcher emerges from Delta ship, and turns to camera. 37 seconds. Not used in episode; obviously the equivalent to the missile launcher seen on Satazius.
Second take
Missiles in space. A 9 second take of the shots seen in episode.
Moon slowly revolves towards camera, with nebula, Betha and Delta and sun beyond. Not seen in episode.
Used in Message From Moonbase Alpha (1999).
Moon drops down through bottom right of frame. 20 seconds. Seen in episode.
Planet scenes. The first 15 second shot was seen on Big Screen
A clapperboard can be glimpsed stating slate 117 x 2. Planet is slowly rotating. 45 seconds/1 minute. This shot is seen at the start of episode.
First frames show planet on its own, them sun and other planet are added after a second. 20 seconds total. Shot with clapperboard dated 28th November 1974 is 32 seconds. None of the following shots were used.
Shot of single planet and sun, 30 seconds.
Shot with planets is 20 seconds, then clapperboard dated 13 December 1974, then shot continues for 20 seconds (left planet disappears one second before the second planet just one frame or so before end of footage)
First shot shows clapperboard dated 16th(?) December 1974. The sun appears a second or so after the planets. Shot then lasts 25 seconds.
First shot shows clapperboard dated 16th December 1974. Shot lasts 20 seconds.
First shot shows clapperboard dated 16th December 1974. Shot lasts 20 seconds.
First shot shows clapperboard dated 16th December 1974 (slate 81 x 2). Shot lasts 20 seconds, followed by another clapperboard (slate 81 x 1)
Sun and planet. Not seen in episode.
Seen in Woman Woman episode "Time Bomb" (1978).
Sun and planet. Not seen in episode. At 15 seconds, a clapperboard appears (November 1974, date unclear). 45 seconds total.
Sun moves from left, obscuring planet Delta (30 seconds)
Same set-up with planet Betha. 30 seconds
Slow pan from planet to sun. In episode, vignette POV through Koenig's binoculars. 35 seconds.
Space: 1999 copyright ITV Studios Global Entertainment