The Catacombs Breakaway Lost Scenes

Raw audio from filming on Wednesday 12th December 1973. Here is a section removed from the scene (in Koenig's office) where Simmonds is told about the magnetic radiation problem. The pseudo-science was wisely dropped.

Bergman: "When this project started, we used uranium three nine two as fuel. But in the last seven years, we've started mixing it with caesium. Ah, you know, uranium was expensive, caesium was cheap. But now it seems that uranium and caesium are reacting adversely to one another, producing magnetic fields of incredible strength. And, ah, that's our problem."
Simmonds: "Magnetism... causing brain damage?"
Helena: "Atomic radiation causing cancer."
Bergman: "Magnetism is energy and all energy.. radiates."
Simmonds: "Mm. I be prepared to look at a report on the subject. When it's more comprehensive."
Koenig: "Commissioner, unless we come up with some answers damn soon, the fourth of July's gonna seem like a very quiet day in the country. Now Professor Bergman, and Doctor Russell, have identified the problem, and analysed it's causes. They stick. "

Space: 1999 copyright ITV Studios Global Entertainment