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Francophone press
Le Cosmos Des Rosbifs


Télé Séries was a monthly French magazine devoted to television series, both popular and cult. In 1987, the La Cinq station started to show episodes every weekday, including, for the first time, Year 2 episodes. Télé Séries number 9, dated November 1987, did an impressive 8 page article by Alain Carrazé (in 1999 he also wrote about the series for Generation Series). Télé Séries included pull-out pages to make video covers, including two for Space: 1999.

The "Rosbifs" of the title is a French slang word for British- "roast beefs", comparable to "limeys" .

La science-fiction est-elle l'apanage des Américains ? Avec "Cosmos: 1999" l'anglais Gerry Anderson a magistralement démontré qu'il n'en était rien. Une série subtile et sophistiquée qui, a l'instar de Star Trek pas rencontré un succes immédiat, mais est devenue avec les années un classique incontournable de la télévision...

Is science fiction the preserve of Americans? With "Space: 1999" the Englishman Gerry Anderson has masterfully demonstrated that it was not. A subtle and sophisticated series that, like Star Trek, did not have immediate success, but has become with the years a classic must-see television ...