The Catacombs Catacombs Reference Library
Space 1999- TV Heaven

TV Heaven

Jonathan Benton-Hughes (Trunk Records)

Unknown publication, probably a UK music/record magazine, 1997

Now we're only two years away, it doesn't seem so fantastic, but back in '76, it was another matter. - Space: 1999 was the most expensive 'space' series of the 70s but it was also the finest. Back then, Barry Gray was the only man truly qualified to write the music for an ITC/ATV Gerry Anderson series. What's brilliant about this recording is that Barry slips into what can only be described as Space Prog Disco. Accomplished electronics meet dramatic orchestrations as every track is segued with a weightless, lilting slice of pre-techno. The sleeve-note calls it "exotic background music"; we call it far-out! Collector's note: U.K. RCA also circulated a promo-only single of the main theme.