The Catacombs Power Records
Return To The Beginning

Thanks to Paulo Jorge Morgado and Kai Baer for scanning these pictures

Power Records produced two book and record sets: Breakaway and Return To The Beginning. The records did not use the original cast, sound effects or music. The Return To the Beginning story is uninspiring juvenile science fiction, but the art is impressive, both accurate to the TV series and dramatic in layout. The art was by Neal Adams (Batman, X-Men) and Dick Giordano (frequent collaborator with Adams, one of DC's main cover artists in the late 1970s, then editor and managing director of DC comics) at Continuity Studios. Strangely, as in the Charlton comics, Paul has a goatee.

This comic was reprinted in Iran by the Golshai publishing house, probably 1977 or 1978; as Farsi is read right to left, the pages were reversed.

Cover Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning Return To The Beginning