The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Annual 1977

Caption: One Man's Meat..., Picture: Two spacesuited figures in Moonbuggy on Lunar surface

"Hallam and Whitney reporting, Commander!
We're entering Area Three now!" The two
space-suited men from Alpha's technological section
eased their moon buggy to a halt, and began to take
preliminary readings from the instrumnets they
   "Radiation level sixty above normal. Surface
tremors show slight increase to point zero zero five
above nil stability."
   In Main Mission, Commander John Koenig sat
at his desk and kept contact on an audio monitor. He
glanced across at David Kano. "Got those figures?"
Kano gave the thumbs-up, and Koenig sad: "Okay,
we copy. Go forward to the dump. But take it easy!"
   Sandra Benes sat facing him, slowly running her
fingers through her short, black hair. She looked
worried. "What d'you think's causing it, Com-
   Koenig shrugged. "Maybe Hallam and Whitney
will tell us. Perhaps it was the narrow miss that
meteorite gave us. Could have exerted some kind
of magnetic pull on the covers of the nuclear waste
   "That shouldn't give us too much trouble," said
Tony Verdeschi. "But if they are adrift, we'd best get
them secured again - real fast!" Like everyone else
on Alpha, he remembered the terrifying eruption
of similar chutes - deep pits of radioactive waste -
that had originally caused the Moon's blast-out from
Earth's orbit!"
   Now Kano was speaking. "That meteorite, sir.
When it passed us, it failed to register again on the
scanners. It might have hit us . . ."
   "On the blind side where the chutes are? Maybe.
Maybe that's the problem." Koenig drummed his
fingers restlessly. "I suppose I should have sent up a
survey Eagle at the time, just to check." He grinned
lamely. "It didn't seem important somehow!"
   There was another crackle from his audio monitor,
and he had to switch up the volume. Radioactivity
was obviously interfering with the signals from
Hallam and Whitney.
   "Commander! I don't know what to make of it . . .
but I think I can see something moving down there in
the disposal area!"
   "Moving?" Koenig was on his feet now. "Hallam
- what the blazes do you mean, moving?"
   "My stars! I can't believe it! I . . ." The gritty
transmission came to an abrupt end - but not before
everyone in Main Mission had heard the first split
second of a desperate, panic-stricken scream!

"Eagle Three to launch station! Fully armed!"
Koenig was already half way to the exit as he
barked the order into his comlock. "Alan! WIth me!"
   Together, the Commander and Alan Carter, his
number one pilot, raced to the travel tube. Seconds
later they were suiting up at the entry port of launch
pad three, and seconds after that, their Eagle was air-
borne, turning its beak to the horizon, beyond which
lay . . . what"
   At such low level, and with radiation rife, they
could maintain no visual contact with Main Mission
once they were on the 'blind' side of the Moon. But
the audio channels were locked open, so that Verdes-

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