The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery

See also Continuity Guide

Spacesuit badges.

click for larger image (67k) An original spacesuit badge.
click for larger image (129k) click for larger image (113k) "LSRO" and "AM" badges. The first is commonly held to represent "Lunar-Space Research Organisation", the latter "Alpha Moonbase". Designer Keith Wilson simply picked random letters- they don't mean anything in reality.
click for larger image (67k) click for larger image (73k) Details of two other badges and shoulder pips.
Medical Badge Close up of the identity badge. Notice the British spelling of "Centre".
Identity badge of extras usually had no name or section.
Many costumes feature "pips" like these (thanks to Simon Rhodes), inspired by insignia on miliary uniforms that indicate rank and regiment.
The top badge is seen on Tony's navy jacket right sleeve. The bottom badge is seen on Koenig's navy jacket left sleeve (one of four). They appear together on Osgood's yellow jumpsuit in Catacombs of the Moon
click for larger image (163k) click for larger image (148k) Details of insignia from the Swift costumes seen in Brian The Brain and Bringers Of Wonder.

Contents copyright Martin Willey