It has to be more than chance. Ahead of Alpha is the same spaceship grave-
yard that Cellini had encountered behind Ultra. And sitting atop one of the
craft is Ultra Probe itself.

Since the beginning of time the destinies of Luke Ferro and Anna Davis have
been fixed. They are to bring life back to the world that had once brought
life to Earth.
What begins as a quiet Alphan night quick-
ly be comes the opening curtain for the
reliving of a nightmare. Koenig is forced
to stun his close friend, Tony Cellini,
when he attempts to steal an Eagle. The
incident stirs Tony's long-suppressed mem-
ory of the ill-fated Ultra Probe mission
of 1996. Helena recalls the story Cellini
told the space medical board about a ten-
tacled monster that killed his crew. No
one believes his story, until Alpha en-
counters the same graveyard of spaceships
Cellini says he found behind Ultra. His
second attempt at stealing an Eagle suc-
ceeds and Cellini sets out to face the
dragon in his domain for a final con-
Tony Cellini: GIANNI GARKO
Commissioner Dixon: DOUGLAS WILMER
Dr. Monique Fauchere: BARBARA KELLERMAN
Prof. Darwin King: MICHAEL SHEARD
Dr. Juliet Mackie: SUSAN JAMESON
Note: At the opening of this episode,
Helena records the date as 877 days since
leaving orbit. This is a computer estim-
ate of time passage on Earth since she
was updating an Earth medical record. Al-
pha time is 295 days. |
Since the Moon broke out of orbit, the
Alphans have encountered many unknowns.
They have learned from Arra that the nu-
clear explosion was no freak accident:
they are destined to populate the farthest
reaches of space. Now, suddenly and with-
out warning, Alpha stops dead in space
near a lifeless world. Power drops to al-
most zero and the Alphans find themselves
with no other option than to explore the
planet for a possible site for coloniza-
tion. They find a petrified world just
barely returning to life after some great
holocaust. In a cave--the greatest shock
of all, human skeletons and an inscrip-
tion in Sanskrit, the earliest form of
written language on Earth. It is here
that Earth life began. Outside there are
remains of many Earth-type trees and an-
imal skeletons. By translating the Sanskrit,
it is learned that the people of Arkadia
who escaped the holocaust colonized Earth,
and as the Moon speeds again out of orbit
and into the void, two people will bring
the process full circle. But who will it
Anna Davis: LISA HARROW |