Helena and Maya's only hope of reaching Tony with medical aid is to fly a
plastic glider down to the planet, but can they land without power?

The light beam from the alien craft reaches down into Command Center. It
touches each Alhpan before finding Maya. Suddenly the intensity changes and
Maya feels incredible pain.
On an Earth-type planet, engineer Joe
Lustig is dead and Tony lies half-dead.
The cause is unknown. As Alan and Koenig
prepare to bring Tony back to Alpha, the
atmosphere on board their Eagle changes
and the metal begins to disintegrate. The
ship crashes. The crew is safe but Tony
is farther away than ever from badly need-
ed medical attention. On Alpha, Maya real-
izes why the shipboard atmosphere changed
and she and Helena plan to use a space
glider made of plastic to reach the ma-
rooned Alphans. Meanwhile, Koenig dis-
covers a geodesic structure inside of
which he finds a holographic recording
made by the last man of an earlier alien
landing party. The image tells of a crea-
ture who is trying to communicate, but
who is mistakenly killing those it wishes
to talk to. It is a race against time as
Koenig prepares to face the creature and
Maya and Helena struggle to land their
space glider.
A beam of light flashes from an alien
spaceprobe and Maya falls to the floor
screaming in agony. The Dorcons have ar-
rived and their target is the Psychon.
The huge Dorcon battleship hangs
over Alpha demanding Maya. They need a
Psychon brain stem to give immortality to
their leader and, since Maya is the last
of her race, they will stop at nothing to
obtain it. Badly damaged, Moonbase is
forced to give up its alien friend. Maya
is taken aboard by transfer beam--but so
is Koenig! He rescues Maya from alien sur-
gery, but they are still trapped aboard
the warship. Aid comes in the form of the
treacherous Malic. He aids Koenig in free-
ing Maya because if the leader dies, he
will rule the Dorcons. But Malic does not
intend to wait for the leader to die a
natural death. He plans to blame his mur-
der of the leader on the Alphans--thus
insuring Maya's death as well.
Consul Varda: ANN FIRBANK