Danger Zone was held at the Dean Park Hotel in Watford, outside London, on 14-17 April 1995 (the Easter bank holiday), the same location as Space City in 1993. Each of the main days was an anniversary celebration of a specific series- Saturday 15 was Thunderbirds 30th, Sunday 16 was UFO 25th, Monday 17 was Space: 1999 20th.
Following on from the scripts in the Space City convention book, Danger Zone's 32 page book had two one hour scripts, Space: 1999's Void Ahead and UFO's Timelash.
The schedule was created as a "Fab TV Guide". This was the first time that Fanderson's Space: 1999 Documentary was shown.
The guest list, and a letter from TV station Bravo, announcing UFO and Space: 1999 would return to UK screens.
The Progress Report, from February.