Details of the door mechanism of Taybor's Emporium. There are only 3 functional doors, and one non-functional.
All the doors have white sticky pads on the inside lips, probably to keep the doors closed in the Space City exhibition. The front door has two interior side walls, but the two functional side doors only have one side wall (facing camera).
There is a hinge at the top of the door (and at the base of the lower lip). On the front and left side, the hinge connects to a lever on the left; on the right door it connects to a lever on the right. If the lever rises, the door opens; if the lever descends, the door closes.
The right-side door is broken - the top of the hinge should attach to the frame with two small screws. There should also be a metal plate that attaches on the inside top, as shown in the above picture (a counterweight?).
The hinge for the bottom front lip (I think), which has become detached.
The interior. This is the main door hinge, tied to a ring on the side and the false interior wall. A rod leads down to the motor (the lower lip hinge is also connected). There is only one surviving motor, for the front door. The side hooks for the two side doors are missing too, although the left door seems to open well manually (on the right in these pictures).
The "roof" of the inside has a light socket and other electrics.