The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery
Golos building

The Exiles

In The Exiles, we briefly see the towers of the planet Golos (with a light effect over it). The foreground pillar is probably just painted tubing, there are two larger scale towers centre frame, with five smaller models in the distance (forced perspective). The tallest of the distant models is shown here.

The model is 23"/58cm tall with a 17"/43cm wide base. The central spine is a metal rod, and the five arms and central body rotate. One of the arms is a replica made after the series. Photos from the London 2024 convention, thanks to James Winch.

Tamiya 1:35

The model makes use of the Tamiya 1:35 Schwerer Panzerspähwagen 8-Rad (a kit also used on the 5 foot Ultra Probe). You can see the five arms emerge from the top hatch of the armoured car.

Copyright Martin Willey