The Catacombs ITC Network News

In early 1976, ITC sent a series of fact sheets called "Network News" to prospective stations to promote Space: 1999 Year Two.

Scanned by Paulo Jorge Morgado


Welcome to new affiliates of the SPACE: 1999 Network! The SPACE: 1999 Network has been formed by ITC to better Service those stations telecasting the only new sci-fi series. The Newsletter will keep you abreast of advertising, promotion and publicity plans by ITC and stations across the country telecasting the spectacular sci-fi series of the 1970's

Quick facts ... Stations planning dual premiere of SPACE: 1999, Year Two... Preliminary SPACE:1999, Year Two promotion kits sent to all stations... Year Two of SPACE currently being screened for some 80 national magazines. Editorial reaction of magazine editors to date highly favourable... Transatlantic phone interviews on Year Two of SPACE: 1999 now available to local TV editors... Studio time set to record promos for your station... Bicentennial time capsule event in Hawaii features video cassette recording of SPACE:1999.

Many stations telecasting second season of SPACE: 1999 to take part in a special dual premiere. Of these stations, some independents are planning to telecast the first episode of the second season during the Republican convention in mid-August. It is felt that the counter programming offered by the first episode of the second season, the episode titled "Metamorph", would result in a huge audience. All stations planning a pre-premiere of SPACE: 1999 have committed an extensive advertising, publicity and promotion campaign to support the pre-premiere. Last year, a pre-premiere of SPACE: 1999 was staged by KHJ-TV, Los Angeles. The pre-premiere was telecast in August and captured one of the largest TV audiences in the history of KHJ TV. The same episode "Breakaway", utilised in the pre-premiere, has telecast again at the start of the season. The ratings at the start of the season were fantastically high. KHJ-TV, of course, supported the pre-premiere of the new season with a major advertising, publicity and promotion campaign. It is essential that you arrange with us immediately to set the pre-premiere date and advertising campaign.

The preliminary promotion kit for Year Two of Space: 1999, sent to you, contains the following materials: a packet of news information; synopses of the initial episodes; a reprint of a feature on the Landaus done by People magazine; a reprint of the program profile published In the trade paper "Backstage", a reprint of the New York Times Sunday feature article heralding the many sci-fi motion pictures forthcoming; a set of black and white photos reflecting some of the many SPACE: 1999 toys, games, and other products now being distributed throughout the U.S.; also letters and reprints from SPACE: 1999 toy manufacturers; a set of black and white generic photos; colour contact sheets and a table for colour identification of the photos found on contact sheets. Colour material is available to you at cost. Please order the colour by number and specify whether you want an 8x10 glossy, 11x14 glossy, 4x5 colour transparencies or 35mm colour transparencies. Additional promotional material will be sent to you as prepared.

Catherine Schell and Brian Johnson, designer and director of special effects, to be brought to the U.S. for round of interviews and appearances on all major talk-variety shows. Catherine Schell and Brian Johnson are due arrive in the U.S. late August. In the meantime, ITC is scheduling transatlantic phone calls with Catherine Schell, Brian Johnson, producer Fred Freiberger and executive producer Gerry Anderson, as well as Martin Landau and Barbara Bain. If you would like your local TV editors to hold a transatlantic interview with any of the SPACE: 1999 talent, please contact ITC in New York and we will arrange it. There are many exciting and new SPACE: 1999 developments which your local TV editor would be most interested in. Why not take advantage of SPACE: 1999 talent now!

Again you are urged to send your copy to ITC, New York, for personalised promos for your station. There still may be time! You already should have received a letter requesting copy for personalised promos. Martin Landau, Barbara Bain and Catherine Schell either as individuals or in a group are available to do your station's personalised promos.

The Bicentennial Time Capsule in Kauai, Hawaii was spotlighted by ITC's contribution of the video cassette recording of the first episode of SPACE: 1999, which explains the premise of the new sci-fi series telecast in this Bicentennial year. In his letter to the people of Kauai, to be opened in the Tricentennial year of 2076, Abe Mandell, resident of ITC, said "Our objective was to entertain television audiences throughout the world with exciting adventures in space. Based on the widespread acceptance of the series, we feel we accomplished that and, as an added benefit, hope that we helped stimulate Interest in space exploration, an exciting endeavour we trust has continued and pray will continue for many, many years."

Let us hear from you... we are most interested in your local advertising, promotion and publicity efforts. By sending us your promotion plans, all affiliates of the SPACE: 1999 Network will profit, for we will highlight local promotion efforts in forthcoming issues of the SPACE: 1999 Newsletters.
