...one of the finest episodes of the second year. ...Tony Verdeschi takes over the Commander's chair and makes an excellent leading man. Alan Carter is also developed further, as he falls in love with Sahala. However, the Croton is the only weak link: Jill Townsend's performance is insipid, and the actress is not helped by a bizarre costume in which she resembles an animated feather duster. The star of the show is Lee Montague, who is simply terrific as the charismatic Dorzak.
(Richard Houldsworth, TV Zone, 1994)
This episode typifies the corruption of the series' original precepts. No longer are the inhabitants of Alpha wanderers in space desperately looking for a new planet to call their own, marvelling at the wonders of space as they travel into an uncertain future. Alpha is now on an intergalactic cruise stopping off at planets of interest to observe the quaint customs of the inhabitants. From being exotic and otherworldly, the alien cultures in Space: 1999 have become bland and cliched.
(Anthony McKay, Dreamwatch, 1994)
A surprisingly good episode with lush visuals and plenty of story twists. Jill Townsend is delightful and her scenes with Nick Tate are very touching. A-
(Chris Bentley, SFX 20, 1996)
Well performed and well written yet ultimately lightweight. The main problem is the Psychon criminal himself. He is another two dimensional evil alien who is evil only because the story demands it of him. To the positive, Dorzak highlights the relationship that develops between Alan and Sahala. Their romantic attraction and friendship is nicely underplayed and never strays into melodrama.
(John Kenneth Muir, Exploring Space: 1999, p141-142)
Dorzak marks the beginning of the upswing in quality as Space 1999 continued toward the end of this season. Overall, Dorzak is a highly rewarding episode which does advance the mythology of the Psychon race, while providing an entertaining and dramatic episode. 8.5/10
(Bob Wood, The Future Is Fantastic, 2001)