The Catacombs 2001 To Space 1999

click for larger image (31k) click for larger image (27k) click for larger image (40k) The Clavius moonbase seen very briefly in 2001 has buildings arranged in a wheel shape around the central launch pad. Moonbase Alpha in Space 1999 is strikingly similar.

The original concepts for Space 1999 also included a central landing pad, protected with "an armour-proof cover which opens in sections, like the petals of a metal flower".

click for larger image (27k) click for larger image (31k) Both 2001 and 1999 featured stylish molded white interiors. Unusual Italian chairs added to the stark style (in 2001, the Djinn by Olivier Mourgue). Breakaway
click for larger image (22k) Keith Wilson's original designs for Moonbase Alpha include voice print security booths, like 2001. security booth
Moonbase Alpha's speaking computer was intended to be a character in the vein of 2001's HAL 9000. The script of Black Sun included a sequence when Computer locks up Professor Bergman because it thinks is jeopardising the Moonbase.
At one point in 2001, the computer gives a "hard copy" to the astronaut in the form of a computer punch card. The second series of 1999 also showed the computer printing punch cards which the Alphans then inspected. Punch cards were computer input (used before keyboards and screens), not output, and are not readily readable by humans.
Black Sun

Space: 1999 copyright ITV Studios Global Entertainment
2001 A Space Odyssey copyright MGM
Text copyright Martin Willey