The Catacombs The Continuity Guide
Moonbase Guide
Eagle hangars
by Martin Willey

Eagle Hangar, Earthbound

Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound

In Earthbound, we see the Kaldorian ship in the Eagle hangar. A number of publicity photos were taken. The high angles of many of the shots reveal that the background Eagles are photo cut-outs, which destroys the illusion (the shots in the episode are low angle and the two-dimensional cut-outs are undetectable)..

There are 14 cut-out Eagles here. There are four Eagles on either side, seen side-on. At the back there is one central Eagle, head-on, and 5 Eagles at an angle (two on either side are very close together). These Eagles are immediately in front of the wall, making the hangar set seem longer.

The cut-outs are all of the 22 inch Eagle model (and the same scale), without the Alpha Moonbase insignia. The front two have red stripes (the photos are black and white, so these would have been hand-painted). The original photos used to make the cut-outs are here. In one of the shots, the real 22 inch Eagle passes across hanging from an overhead cradle.

Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound

The publicity photos were used in the Monty Gum bubble gum cards (UK, NL, FR; number 55), the Donruss cards (US; number 35). the Panini stickers (IT, DE, FR, PO, GR, CA; double-card), and, in cartoon form, a Lyons Maid ice lolly card (UK). It was also used in the ITC publicity brochure, and was widely used in the press, such as the TV Times (UK, 1975).

Copyright Martin Willey