The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Novels Guide
Compiled by Martin Willey


Breakaway- Orbit books Dobson books Uzay 1999 Flucht Ins All by E.C. Tubb click for larger image (41k) Breakaway Hungarian edition
Orbit: (unnumbered) ISBN 0 8600 7843 4 Feb 1975 ; 35p (Aus/NZ $1.15, Can $1.25)
Dobson: (nbr 1) ISBN 0 234 77804 0 Dec 1975 ; £2.95
Pocket: (nbr 1) 671-80184-8 Sept 1975; $1.50
Milliyet Yayin: "Dünyadan Kopuş" - Breakaway from Earth
Translated by Atilla Celâl Bayar
August 1976; 15 Turkish lira
Breitschopf: #534, ISBN 3-7004-0042-X, 254 pages
("Flucht ins All" -"Flight Into Universe"-, with The Space Guardians)
Breitschopf: #632, ISBN 3-7004-0089-6, 300 pages
("Terra ruft Mondbasis" -"Terra is calling Moonbase"-, with The Space Guardians)
1984, as by Patrick O'Connor
Valhalla Páholy (Hungary) ISBN 963 7632 204, 218 pages
"Elszakadás (Alfa holdbázis)": Breakaway (Alpha Lunar Base)
Revised in Space: 1999 Year One (Powys; 2020)

AD 1999. On the moon's near side a colony of scientists and astronauts prepares for man's first venture into deep space... On the far side of the moon catastrophe threatens as the nuclear waste dumped there edges towards critical mass ...

BREAKAWAY... the first novel in a series of intergalactic space odysseys, based on ATV'S television spectacular, travels through new and strange reaches of time and space...


Moonbase Alpha is Earth's supreme achievement. Self-sufficient and fully computerized, the fantastic lunar colony is Earth's global watchdog, silently guarding against sneak alien attack. The dark side of the moon - once so mysterious, so unattainable - now stores in its womb containers of smouldering radioactive waste, refuse from Earth.

Then, in the year of Our Lord 1999, the serene satellite is ripped apart by thermonuclear explosion. And the 311 inhabitants of Alpha whirl through space on a runaway moon - in an orbit of jarring adventure where survival is a game of chance with the life forces of the universe!

Dobson books

Moonbase Alpha, the small lunar community of scientists and astronauts, is in turmoil. The far side of the moon has been used as a vast dump for nuclear waste. Now the accumulated piles are reaching a critical point and too late the extent of the devastation threatened by the inevitable disaster is realized. Urgent preparations are in hand for an expedition into deep space involving problems of basic survival which are explored in vivid detail as man's next great pioneering adventure begins.

This story is the start of the new ATV spectacular, Space: 1999.

Uzay 1999 back cover

Bu çok ilginç kitabı televizyonda ilgiyle izlediğimiz UZAY 1999, un dünyadan kopuş adlı serüveni oluşturmakta...
Bir patlama sonucu yörüngesinden ayrılan Ay üssü Alfa, nın mürettebatıyla birlıkte bilinmeyene doğru soluk kesici yolculuğu...

SPACE 1999, which is watched with much interest on television, now forms this very interesting book in the adventure "Breakaway from Earth"...
Moonbase Alpha, which has left its orbit as a result of an explosion, is on a breathtaking journey to the unknown with its crew ...

Flucht Ins All by E.C. Tubb back

Eine geheimnisvolle Krankheit wütet unter der Besatzung der Mondbasis. Aus dem All nähern sich unbekannte Raumschiffe. Steht eine Eroberung des mondes durch Außerirdische bevor?

A mysterious disease is raging among the crew of the moon base. Unknown spaceships are approaching from space. Is a conquest of the moon by extraterrestrials imminent?

Breakaway Hungarian edition back cover

A XX. század utolsó évtizede - az emberiség nagy kalandja kezdetét veszi... Az Alfa holdbázis többszáz fős személyzetével, modern felszerelésével a földi ember első állomása a távoli csillagokba vezető úton. A tapasztalat asztronautára, John Koenig parancsnoka és társaira azonban egy véletlen folytán merőben új szerep vár: bázisukkal együtt ők lesznek az elsők, akik azokat a bizonyos csillagokat elérik...

Hatalmas nukleáris robbanás taszítja le a Holdat Föld körüli pályájáról, és kilódítja a mindenségbe. A végtelenbe, ahol az ember nincs egyedül!

The last decade of the 20th century - the great adventure of humanity begins...

With its staff of hundreds of people and its modern equipment, the Alpha moon base is the first stop for earthlings on the way to the distant stars. However, for experienced astronaut, John Koenig, due to a coincidence, a completely new role awaits the commander and his companions: together with their base, they will be the first to reach those certain stars...

A massive nuclear explosion knocks the moon out of its orbit around the earth and launches it into the universe. To infinity, where man is not alone!

Copyright Martin Willey