The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Novels Guide
Compiled by Martin Willey

THE TIME FIGHTERS by Michael Butterworth

Star: (no nbr) ISBN 0 352 39607 5 ; Aug 1977 ; 60p (Aus $2.20, NZ $1.90, Mlta 65c)
Warner: (nbr 5) ISBN 0 446 88345 ; Jul 1977 ; $1.50
Bastei: (nbr 25 005) "Die Zeit Attacke" ("The Time Attack")
ISBN 3 404 00807 3 ;
1978 ; DM 3,80 Translation by Leni Sobez
Apex Compilation: "Mondstation 1999, Band 2" ("Space:1999 Volume 2")
ISBN 978-3-7487-2357-8 (and other editions)
December 2019
Revised in Space: 1999 Year Two (Powys; 2006)


A freak Space Warp sends Koenig's Eagle ship hurtling into the unknown, leaving the Moon Base light years behind...

The Commander is confronted with a bevy of sadistic beauties out for more than his skin ...

Back on the Moon Maya's overloaded mind wreaks havoc amongst the Alphans. In the throes of a psycho-molecular breakdown, she unleashes a succession of hideous monsters to rampage across the Base ...

Then the Psychon's salvation arrives - but Dorzak is the prisoner of Space goddess Sahala, and Carter is under her spell ...


Alone! Koenig has gone out into space to investigate a derelict ship-and while he is away, Moon Base Alpha has been swallowed up by a Black Hole. How can Koenig get back? In his absence, what will happen to Maya whose personality is disintegrating? As she changes from shape to shape, one form more monstrous than the last, she jeopardizes the entire Moon Base. The break-away moon and its commander are facing disaster at the opposite ends of Time and Space.

Commander John Koenig steuerte Eagles Eins und sah auf dem Monitor das Gesicht Carters, der ihn auf der Mondbasis vertrat. Plötzlich verzerrten Sich die Konturen von Carters Gesicht und zerflossen. Der Bildschirm wurde grau. John Koenig zuckte zusammen. „Tony, verdammt, was ist das?"
Tony Verdeschi auf dem Co-Piloten-Sitz des Eagle hämmerte hektisch auf die Knöpfe und Hebel seines Armaturenbrettes ein. „Commander — ich glaube, der Mond explodiert!"
John Koenig schaltete die Kamera ein, die auf die Heimat der Alphaner ausgerichtet war.
Der Außenmonitor zeigte nur die unendliche Leere des Alls. Der Mond war verschwunden!

Commander John Koenig drove Eagle's One and saw the face of Carter, who represented him on the moon base, on the monitor. Suddenly the contours of Carter's face distorted and melted. The screen went gray. John Koenig winced. "Tony, damn it, what is it?"
Tony Verdeschi on the Eagle's co-pilot seat was pounding the buttons and levers on his dashboard. "Commander - I think the moon is going to explode! "
John Koenig switched on the camera, which was aimed at the home of the Alphans.
The external monitor only showed the infinite emptiness of space. The moon was gone!

Copyright Martin Willey