The effort to disperse the nuclear waste has failed. Waste Area 2
explodes into a fiery mass that lights up the space-sky over Moonbase Alpha.

He just can't be Lee Russell. Koenig and Bergman are at least sure of that.
The important question is, why is he on Alpha and why doesn't he want them
to go to Terra Nova?
September 9, 1999: Man's latest probe
into space is threatened by a mysterious
illness that has killed nine men and
hospitalized two more. John Koenig ar-
rives on Moonbase Alpha to discover the
cause. Dr. Helena Russell informs him that
it appears to be a form of brain damage
with all indications pointing to radia-
tion, but no radiation discharge can be
found. The danger becomes more apparent
when one of the two nuclear waste areas
on the far side of the Moon explodes in
a magnetic sub-surface firestorm. Magne-
tic radiation has been the cause of the
deaths. Now, if the Alphans cannot spread
out the nuclear material in the vast Area
Two, the Moon may be vaporized at any
Commissioner Simmonds: ROY DOTRICE
Commander Gorski: PHILLIP MADOC
Eddie Collins: ERIC CARTE
A reconnaissance flight to the planet
Terra Nova (Meta) returns to Alpha with
its crew unconscious and an extra man on
board. He is Lee Russell, Helena's hus-
band, lost years earlier on a space mis-
sion. Russell attempts to warn the Alphans
away from the planet. However, when Koenig
demands an explanation, Russell cannot ex-
plain his reasons. Realizing he has failed,
Russell simply dies and his body vanishes.
Koenig ignores the warning and orders a
probe of the planet's surface. At first,
they find Terra Nova to be a tropical
paradise. Suddenly, the whole universe
appears to go mad: Eagle 1 explodes with
Alan Carter aboard; Sandra is blinded and
Paul killed as his laser inexplicably ex-
plodes between them. Finally, Koenig is
killed by a rockslide as shock waves hit
the planet when the Moon is torn apart.
Alone, Helena finds Lee, once more. He
can grant her the power to return things
back to what they were before the catas-