Bergman and Koenig congratulate each other on the success of the force
field as it easily deflects laser fire from Eagle 1. If it works as well
against the black sun, Alpha may survive.

Having lost Clifford, the Triton Space Probe teleports Helena aboard.
Clifford failed because his control device was implanted over a vast dis-
tance, but at close range it's completely effective.
The runaway Moon is at the edge of de-
struction as it is slowly being drawn in-
to a black sun; an area of intense gravit-
ational pull. In an effort to save the
base, Bergman designs a force field that
draws its power from the collapsed stellar
mass. It is a slim chance for Alpha so
Koenig launches a survival ship. Aboard
are Sandra, Helena, Alan, and three other
Alphans. As the Moon travels into the ef-
fected area, Bergman and Koenig view the
very fabric of space itself. The await
their fate.
Maintenance engineer Ted Clifford becomes
the pawn in an alien plot. As Clifford is
repairing some equipment near a viewport,
an energy beam flashes aross the lunar
horizon and strikes the Alphan's head.
The beam, from a Triton Space Probe,
leaves an energy implant in Clifford's
brain. His brain now functions as an
alien computer and everything he sees
is transmitted back to the probe.
Clifford then attempts to steal classified
information from the Alphan computers.
However, the implant was not properly
placed and Clifford's brain "burns-out."
With the Alphan dead, a new target is se-
lected--Helena Russell! She is transported
aboard the Triton probe where she is given
an energy implant at close range. But her
brain will also "burn-out" unless Koenig
can stop the ship's inhabitants from car-
rying out their plot. Upon boarding the
probe, though, Koenig discovers that
Alpha's enemy is a machine. The Comman-
der must outwit the alien logic of an
automated spacecraft.
Ted Clifford: MAX FAULKNER |