Carter's laser has charred Zoref's body to the bone, yet the power that con-
trols him urges the corpse on . It opens the reactor door and steps in.

"How'd you like to go for a flight?" Carter ask Jackie, not realizing that
the boy cannot hear him. "We'll take an Eagle and soar around the Moon."
The body of technician Anton Zoref is in-
vaded by a life force that consumes raw
energy. Zoref begins to absorb energy,
first from equipment, then from people as
well. He leaves a trail of burnt out ma-
chines and frozen, lifeless bodies around
Alpha. The only chance of survival is to
cut all power on Alpha, forcing Zoref to
head for the source: the power station. He
is confronted there by Koenig, Carter and
Bergman. Deprived of energy, severely
weakened, he lunges at Koenig, but Carter
fires a Kill Laser at Zoref. His body is
charred to the bone, but the laser has
given him renewed energy. Zoref enters the
power station and begins to open the re-
actor. The pile begins to reach critical
mass and the Alphans await a nuclear explo-
Anton Zoref: IAN McSHANE
Mark Dominix: JOHN HAMILL
Jackie Crawford is the first child born
in space, but Alpha's joy turns to shock
when the child ages five years in a mat-
ter of minutes! Though most of the Al-
phans soon grow to love the deaf-mute child,
he terrifies his mother and disturbs Koe-
nig. Suddenly, as four spacecraft appear
over Moonbase, Jackie dies and, as he lies
in Medical Center, is transformed into a
full-grown man named Jarak. The alien's
first action is to transform Alphan Cyn-
thia Crawford into Jarak's mate, Rena.
The aliens and their 118 companions in
the spaceships above are running from the
ruthlessly imposed genetic conformity of
their world. They play to hide within the
bodies of 120 Alphans, but to do so, the
Alphans must die. However, those pursuing
Jarak have caught up with the fugitives
sooner than expected and a war of the aliens
begins. The fate of Alpha hangs in the balance.
Cynthia Crawford/Rena: CYD HAYMAN