The amazed Alphans reach up to catch the rain falling from the lunar sky.
Their "new Earth" is a wonderful gift from the creatures on the planet

Dr. Ernst Linden leads Koenig, Helena, and Bergman into the control room
of Voyager One. Within the banks of the probe's computer is a fantastic
amount of priceless information about deep space.
Hopes of a new home arise once more as
the runaway Moon encounters the Earth-
like planet Ariel. If the Moon enters or-
bit, the gravity will be the same as the
Earth-Moon relationship. During a probe
of the planet however, a small satellite
attaches itself to Eagle 1's command mod-
ule. Hundreds of other satellites follow
it back to the Moon. Upon arrival, the
satellites adjust the Moon's gravity to
Earth-normal and fill the lunar sky with
fresth air. The Alphans have been given
their own atmosphere-rich world. For days
they take in the Sun, rain and open air,
until it is learned that the Moon will
not go into orbit, but continue on out
past the Sun. Without sunlight, the at-
mosphere will freeze and Moonbase will
be crushed under megatons of ice! The benev-
olent inhabitants of Ariel, however, have
realized this and sent their satellites
back to return the Moon to its normal
state. But Helena, Paul, Alan and an in-
jured Sandra have crashed somewhere on
the lunar surface and must be found be-
fore the atmosphere goes!
Voyager One, a malfunctioning, fast, neu-
tron-powered spaceprobe from 1985 is head-
ing toward Alpha. Somehow, the probe's
engines must be switched over to chemical
rockets before its neutron wake destroys
Alpha. There is some hope because Voy-
ager's creator, Dr. Ernst Queller is on
Alpha as Ernst Linden. He is using an as-
sumed identity because his Queller Drive
killed many people back on Earth due to
a malfunction. Despite his injury suffered
in an attack from a technician who has
learned his true identity and wants re-
venge for the death of his parents, Quel-
ler shuts down the Voyager and safely brings
it down. However, the probe has been
followed by three alien spacecraft from a
planet all buy destroyed by the Queller
Drive. Now they wish to take their re-
venge on Alpha.
Dr. Ernst Linden: JEREMY KEMP