The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Novelisations: Hungary
Compiled by Martin Willey


Breakaway Hungarian edition

Hungary. ISBN 963 7632 204, 218 pages, 11cm x 18.5cm, Original price 189 Ft

Space: 1999 had originally been shown in Hungary as Alfa holdbázis in 1977 (6 episodes), 1979 (6 episodes) and 1984-5 (5 episodes).

After the fall of communism in 1990, the Budapest publishing house Valhalla Páholy began to republish English science fiction in Magyar (Hungarian), ranging from classic Asimov and Frank Herbert to Star Wars novels. In 1993 they republished Breakaway by E C Tubb as "Alfa holdbázis : Elszakadás" (Alpha Lunar Base : Breakaway).

The text was translated by Hoppán Eszter, with an art cover by Zoltán Boros and Gábor Szikszai

Breakaway Hungarian edition back cover

A XX. század utolsó évtizede - az emberiség nagy kalandja kezdetét veszi...

Az Alfa holdbázis többszáz fős személyzetével, modern felszerelésével a földi ember első állomása a távoli csillagokba vezető úton. A tapasztalat asztronautára, John Koenig parancsnoka és társaira azonban egy véletlen folytán merőben új szerep vár: bázisukkal együtt ők lesznek az elsők, akik azokat a bizonyos csillagokat elérik...

Hatalmas nukleáris robbanás taszítja le a Holdat Föld körüli pályájáról, és kilódítja a mindenségbe. A végtelenbe, ahol az ember nincs egyedül!

The last decade of the 20th century - the great adventure of humanity begins...

With its staff of hundreds of people and its modern equipment, the Alpha moon base is the first stop for earthlings on the way to the distant stars. However, for experienced astronaut, John Koenig, due to a coincidence, a completely new role awaits the commander and his companions: together with their base, they will be the first to reach those certain stars...

A massive nuclear explosion knocks the moon out of its orbit around the earth and launches it into the universe. To infinity, where man is not alone!


Galaktika 322XL, January 2017

The original Galaktika was a Hungarian fantasy magazine from 1972-1995, lasting 175 issues. In 2004 it restarted as a monthly magazine, with the numbering continuing from 176. A special edition for subscribers, Galaktika XL includes a short novel in addition to the standard contents of the magazine.

The XL edition of the January 2017 magazine, Galaktika 322XL, includes a translation of Moon Odyssey by John Rankine.

Thanks to Patrick Zimmerman