The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
DVD: France Movies
Compiled by Martin Willey

DVDs (PVB editions)

France (& Belgium, Switzerland) 24th June 2003. Each 19.99 €

Two of the compilation movies released on DVD: Alien Attack and Cosmic Princess. The French soundtrack is Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS (Cosmic Princess includes both mono and stereo DTS, Alien Attack has stereo only). There is no English soundtrack or subtitles (except on the bonus features).

Packaging uses the standard poster images, with the tag d'après la série TV Cosmos 1999. The Cosmic Princess poster is red-tinted, making Maya especially pink. The back cover notes quote Isaac Asimov's remark that the special effects are remarkable.

Opening sequence (Alien Attack) Opening sequence (Cosmic Princess)

Each DVD features a different opening sequence. Alien Attack has clips of Eagles launching and the breakaway. Cosmic Princess has clips of the actors superimposed over other clips.

The title menu of Alien Attack has four planets with captions. The planets re-arrange for submenus. The Cosmic Princess menu is a busy but attractive montage including a travel tube, the main actors and small clips of Eagles. Submenus are different (the chapter menu is particularly attractive, and the audio menu, using laser beams, is well done).

Bonus menu (Alien Attack) Title menu (Cosmic Princess)

Both DVDs feature a good selection of extras, much of which hasn't been seen before. Some are identical on both discs: text articles on all five movies (including Spazio 1999), trailers for all four movies (including Journey Through The Black Sun, previously unreleased on DVD, all English soundtrack), title sequences from Destination Moonbase Alpha and production notes (text, unusually detailed). Each also contains publicity photos and lobby cards for the relevant film and merchandising galleries (sourced, with permission, from this website). Alien Attack includes "deleted" scenes (the titles and additional scenes filmed for this film, English soundtrack). There is also a hidden bonus on Alien Attack.

Alien Attack

Alien Attack

96 minutes. Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS (stereo) soundtracks, French only.


  • History of the Space 1999 films
  • Trailers for Destination Moonbase Alpha, Alien Attack, Cosmic Princess, Journey Through The Black Sun
  • Photos and lobby cards for Alien Attack
  • Merchandising gallery (games and models)
  • Hidden bonus: original commercial "bumper"
Cosmic Princess

Cosmic Princess

88 minutes. Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS (mono and stereo) soundtracks, French only.


  • History of the Space 1999 films
  • Trailers for Destination Moonbase Alpha, Alien Attack, Cosmic Princess, Journey Through The Black Sun
  • Photos and lobby cards for Cosmic Princess
  • Merchandising gallery (books and comics)
click for larger image (35k) click for larger image (55k)

Above: Cosmic Princess audio and chapter menus

click for larger image (49k) click for larger image (57k)

Above: Detailed background on all five movies.

click for larger image (43k)

Above: Production notes.

click for larger image (56k)

Above: Merchandise gallery

click for larger image (110k)

A box-set of both DVDs was also released, with attractive Landau/Bain covers and the caption "Deux longs métrages tirés de la série culte Cosmos 1999" (two feature films from the cult series Space 1999).

Covers and menu images copyright PVB Editions; Page copyright Martin Willey; thanks to Marylou