The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Video: Rest of world
Compiled by Martin Willey

Brazil: Office Video

Brazil 1980s. All four compilation movies were released.

Journey Through The Black Sun (Sol Negro) from Weras Video, with a back cover date of 1982 (the original film date; this video release must be later in the 1980s). Notable for prominently featuring the name of Brian Johnson (crediting "Alien", "The Empire Strikes Back") on the cover above the names of Martin Landau, Barbara Bain and Barry Morse.

Alien Attack (Ataque Alienígena) released by Office Video.

Alien Attack VHS, Brazil

Cosmic Princess (A Princesa Cósmica) from Hot Video. The company was formed in 1987, so the release must be 1987 or later.

Cosmic Princess VHS, Brazil

Copyright Martin Willey
