The Catacombs Production Guide
The Full Circle

Scene 21.
Retha moves past Alpha - extra slow.
Planet Retha moving slowly towards Alpha.

The Full Circle

This is the view on the Big Screen when Alan tells Sandra she is coming with him- but not done as a Big Screen burn-in. Both the storyboard images would not make sense, as the Big Screen would not included the Moon in shot. The first drawing states "barrel - v.slow" indicating the "barrel moon" would be used. It does not appear in the final episode.

Scene 34.
Proj. + Barrel
Eagle One appears - pause then Eagle 2.

The Full Circle

This first drawing indicates a projection of an image (airbrush painting but possibly real satellite photo) onto a barrel, giving a curved horizon.

Scene 36.
Repeat Sc.2
Eagle One lands on the same area where Eagle Six lifted-off.

The Full Circle

This is the first Eagle model.

Scene 39.
Similar to Sc.36
Eagle Two swoops over landing area and Eagle One - and moves towards forest and distant mountains. Check directions.

The Full Circle

Now the ground Eagle is the second model, and the one above is the first model.

Scene 43.
Eagle Two flies on and away over the forest towards mountains.

The Full Circle

Scene 69.
Retha - burn in - darkness creeps slowly round the edge.

The Full Circle

Scene 74.

The Full Circle

Scene 74A.
Darkness almost obscures Retha.

The Full Circle
