Catacombs Photo FAQ

Text based FAQ with links
Year 1 and 2 title images
All images can be clicked to view large versions. Most images come from the ITC Publicity Brochure.
Martin Landau
Martin Landau as John Koenig
Barbara Bain in uniform
Barbara Bain as Dr Helena Russell
Bergman Barry Morse as Victor Bergman Maya In Year 2, Catherine Schell joined as Maya, an alien with the ability to change into animals
images/space/spacesuit An astronaut in the nuclear waste disposal area on the Moon.
On September 13th 1999, the waste explodes, propelling the Moon into outer space.
Corridor Breakaway: the Moonbase shakes as the Moon is blown out of Earth orbit.
Set design is by Keith Wilson
Johnson and Derek Freeborn- click for larger view Brian Johnson and Nick Allder directed the special effects. Breakaway This Episode The spaceships are called Eagles. The central pod can be changed; this one carries the striped Rescue pod.

More model photos

Click for larger view Earthbound: an alien spaceship is brought into the Eagle hanger. Click for larger view
End Of Eternity: Koenig is beaten by an alien psychopath

Contents copyright Martin Willey
Images copyright ITV Studios Global Entertainment