The Catacombs Moonbase Alpha in Virtual Reality

360° panoramas created by Andrew Novinc.

In a PC browser, click and drag to rotate the view. The VR button will enter full screen mode (press the Escape/Esc key when finished).

In a phone browser, rotate your phone.

You can click the VR button to use VR headsets such as Vive, Rift, Windows Mixed Reality, Daydream, GearVR, Cardboard, Oculus Go.

360 panorama

Command Office.
See Command Office guide with screenshots.

360 panorama

Main Mission.
See Main Mission guide with screenshots.

360 panorama

Main Mission / Command Office.

360 panorama

Main Mission Balcony.

360 panorama


360 panorama

Travel Tube.

360 panorama

Computer Room.

360 panorama

Computer Room.