Their mission to save Alpha from destruction has failed. The Masters will not
stop the blast that would destroy the Moon. Finding themselves without sufficient
fuel to return to Alpha, the trio agree to die in space.

Osgood is sure that the Moon was about to be destroyed by the fire storm.
He decides to take Michelle out of the Medical Center and hide with her
in the deep catacombs.
As Alpha nears a green planet, the Moon
is hit by shock waves that the satellites
of the planet are emitting. With
Moonbase facing destruction in twelve
hours from the next detonation, Koenig,
Maya and Carter set out to find the
aliens who may be in control. On the near-
est moon, they are told by a voice probe
that only "the Masters" of the planet can
help them. Having reached the chlorine-
based world, an immense elevator brings
the Eagle down in to the chamber of the
Masters. But the Masters have entered a
period of sleep. Koenig threatens to use
the Eagle's laser until two creatures, A
and B, are awakened. They decide to hear
Koenig's case, but arrive at opposite
conclusions. C is awakened to break the
tie. They refuse to stop the next explo-
sion. Koenig turns down their offer for
safety and the trio leave, but they can-
not return to Alpha--all of their fuel
is gone. Alpha awaits destruction.
While searching beneath the Moon's sur-
face for vital minerals, chief miner Pat
Osgood is caught in an explosion. As he lies
unconscious, he has a vision of the Moon
erupting into flames as fire rains down
from space. A brass four-poster bed appears
on the lunar surface. Osgood sees his wife
on the bed reaching out from the flames.
In reality, however, Michelle Osgood is in
Medical Center dying from a fatal heart
condition. Osgood attempts to warn Alpha
of the impending disaster he foresaw in
his vision, but everyone believes he is
losing his grip on sanity because of
Michelle's condition. However, when Koenig
and Fraser investigate a strange space
phenomenon, they discover that a flaming
plasma cloud is on direct collision course
with Alpha. Osgood is determined to save
Michelle from the fire storm. Wiring him-
self with Hypernitro, he carries her down
into the catacombs of the Moon. Tony at-
tempts to locate Osgood before Michelle
dies. If Osgood sets off the Hypernitro
he could destroy everyone!
Michelle Osgood: PAMELA STEPHENSON |