Maya and Tony have rescued Koenig from the asteroid, but now they are being
held prisoner by the evil Kalthons. Their only hope for survival is for
Koenig to stop his Kalthon doppelganger, who is in control of Alpha.

Barely evading the massive creature's blows, Tony leads it into the vacuum
chamber. If he can trap the monster indide of the chamber, he may be able
to suffocate it.
Koenig investigates a glittering, jewel-
like asteroid that seems to be drawing
Alpha's power. Inside he sees a kaleido-
scope of flashing lights and hundreds of
mirrors reflecting his image. Suddenly,
one of the reflections steps out of its
mirror and overpowers the Commander. Ex-
changing clothes, the imposter returns to
Alpha where he claims that the only way
to stop the power loss caused by the as-
teroid is to destroy the mass with an en-
ergy beam. No one on the base realizes
that the true purpose of the beam is to
release the power of a buried seed...the
heart of Kalthon. The "seed" is really
the entire Kalthon world compressed to
minute size. When Maya and Tony realize
what the mirror-image is trying to do,
they go to the asteroid to stop the alien
from releasing a power that could destroy
the entire universe. |
A strange cloud incapacitates most of
Alpha. Commanding a skeleton crew, Tony
sends Eagle 6 to investigate the cloud.
The spacecraft returns without its crew.
It is manned by a huge creature who be-
gins to destroy the base. A voice
from the cloud announces over the radio
that the creature has been sent to take
Alpha's life-support core. All attempts
to stop the monster fail until Maya real-
izes the creature is not alive! It is a
robot. Somehow she must find a way to
enter the robot's body and "pull the plug"
before it kills Tony.