Young and naive, Shermeen is the perfect target for Vindrus. He needs her to
steal a portable nuclear generator to power the unit that will bring his
people back.

Helena and Ben attempt to restrain the fever-wracked Maya as Alpha passes
through a space warp. While off the Moon on an exploratory flight, Koenig
and Tony are left 5 light-years behind.
The creatures of the planet Sumin are mov-
ing backward in anti-matter time toward
their destruction. Their leader, Vindrus,
tricks botanist Shermeen Williams into
helping him bring his people into the mat-
ter world. As Koenig, Maya, and Fraser ex-
plore the apparently lifeless planet,
Vindrus leads Shermeen into a strange tem-
ple guarded by Thaed; a huge bipedal liz-
ard. Inside, Vindrus instructs Shermeen
to bring a portable nuclear generator back
to the temple to power the machine that
will bring the Sunimians into the matter
world. What Vindrus has not told Shermeen
is that for every person transported, an-
other must be transported into the anti-
matter world. Koenig must then find a
way to get Shermeen back when she is exchanged
for Vindrus, who intends to use all the
Alphans to return his people.
Shermeen Williams: LYNNE FREDERICK
While Tony and Koenig are away from
Moonbase investigating a derelict space-
craft, Alpha goes through a warp in space
and is hurled 5 light-years across the
galaxy. Eagle 1's only hope is to find
the warp through which Alpha has passed.
But back on Alpha, Maya has contracted an
illness Helena cannot cure. In her delir-
ium she attempts to reach an Eagle so she
can return to Psychon to save her father.
She changes from creature to creature,
unstoppable by laser guns and anaesthetics.
As Maya's Eagle lifts off from its under-
ground hangar, it bursts into flames and
she is rescued just barely in time. While
Koenig and Tony explore the derelict in
the hope that they may find some clue to
the position of the warp, Maya turns into
a powerful monster and starts tearing the
base apart.