The Catacombs The Merchandise Guide
Commlocks and Stun Guns
Compiled by Martin Willey

1970s Stun Guns

There were several 1970s stun gun toys of varying accuracy. Here they are compared to the plans in the Technical Notebook (1977), which itself has some inaccuracies (especially the front). See also the Catacombs guide and an original prop

The stun guns here are: top, Ahi Water Gun (water pistol), Remco Stun Gun (torch)
Below: Remco Space Belt/Utility Belt (discs), BBRB Official Stun Gun (torch) and Ahi Ray Gun (torch)

BBRB, Blue & Red Box Official Stun Gun Overall dimensions are very good. Note that the front part and lights along the front are more accurate than the Technical Notebook drawing. The black handle shape is too square, the black hook on the front part is too angled, and the side buttons too square.


Ahi Water Gun (also Ahi Arms Master). Dimensions and details are pretty accurate, apart from the water gun trigger. The small nozzles on the front are all the same size, which is wrong; the Blue & Red Box Official Stun Gun gets this right.

Remco Stun Gun. Apart from the large size and the distorted proportions of the top part, the detail is not bad, especially the handle shape.

Remco Remco
Remco Space Belt

Remco Space Belt/Utility Belt. The shape and most details are distorted.

The Ahi Stun Ray Gun. Small, but the details are pretty accurate.

The Sixteen 12 stun gun from 2021. Overall nice detailing and slider, let down by a disappointing silver finish like the Remco Stun Gun, square buttons and the front nozzles aren't quite right either.

Copyright Martin Willey