The Catacombs The Production Guide
by Martin Willey

Behind The Scenes

Behind The Scenes Bloopers: What went wrong

Matter Of Life And Death Matter Of Life And Death On Terra Nova Everybody stopped when they heard Charles Crichton call "Cut!". But it wasn't Crichton- it was one of the parrots.
Missing Link Missing Link Alan's fight with Mathias Nick Tate choreographed the fight with a stuntman, but when it came to shoot the scene at the end of the day Anton Phillips stood in. Instead of jerking his head back, he jerked forward onto the punch and was knocked out.
The Full Circle The Full Circle Sandra slumps by tree Zienia kept falling out of her leopardskin.
Space Brain Space Brain Foam fills Main Mission Charles Crichton called "stop the foam!" but could not be heard above the sound of the aircraft engines whipping up the foam. He ran forward waving his arms, slipped and disappeared into the foam. He emerged covered in it. The foam continued until it filled the set (account by Nick Tate in Starlog 4, Martin Landau and Barbara Bain in the Kindred/Fanderson video "The Space: 1999 Documentary"))
Mission Of The Darians Mission Of The Darians Alan fights survivors Nick Tate had a back problem. Thrown through the air by the stuntman, he landed awkwardly on his shoulder, with a loud crack. But his back was cured.
The Metamorph The Metamorph Maya appears as a lion The first lion employed was uncontrollable. The second was also uncooperative- it had toothache. The third was tame, but too friendly: it put its paws on the still photographers shoulders. (see also story in The Making Of Space:1999 by Tim Heald p29)
Catacombs Of The Moon Catacombs Of The Moon Dream sequence: Fire surrounds Michelle in bed The set caught fire for real; the fire brigade was called and production was closed for two days.
Space Warp Space Warp Alan thrown by Maya/animal in Medical The shot involved a false ceiling. The stuntman bounced off a trampoline, but was so intent on missing the ceiling he landed two feet short of the mat. He broke two teeth and his shoulder.
The Bringers Of Wonder part 2 The Bringers Of Wonder Maya stuns guard in Medical Promptly after the guard had fallen, Shaw trips over the guard's body (seen on "It'll Be Alright On The Night" UK blooper program). More.
The Lambda Factor The Lambda Factor Command Centre staff frozen; Maya is turned into a chimp The chimp was amused by the frozen people and tried climbing over them, slobbering in their face, turning upside down to get a reaction. At one point he climbed to the floor and clung to Zienia's leg affectionately.
Dorzak Dorzak Sahala Jill Townsend was sick throughout filming, with suspected flu. It turned out to be appendicitis. She insisted on carrying on and having the operation after filming.

Contents copyright Martin Willey