An Eagle flies to a strange new planet.
The Eagle flies erratically over the exotic surface, but the crew are laughing and do not seem to realise the danger. The Moonbase computer says everything is fine. Then contact is lost.
A command conference is held. Why were the crew so unconcerned? Why is computer lying to them? Alan Carter is sent to find the lost Eagle. He flies it hanging motionless over the surface. He docks and enters the Eagle, but it is deserted. The crew are missing.
Koenig turns to computer expert Kano. Years ago, Kano's brain was linked to a computer. By doing so again, he might be able to find why computer is malfunctioning. But when he is linked to computer, he disappears.
Koenig and Alan fly down to the planet. Koenig explores the exotic planet surface, and finds the lost Eagle crew and Kano, staring blanky forward. A bright light appears, and becomes a huge tower. From it an attractive girl comes to Koenig. She invites him to stay on the planet, Piri. The Guardian will care for their needs. Koenig rejects her offer and returns to the Eagle. But as they leave, Alan starts to dive the Eagle.
Koenig fights Alan and manages to defeat him. But when his Eagle to the Moonbase, the Alphans are having a party celebrating the new world. Koenig passes out, and when he recovers he finds the Alphans are leaving for the planet. He watches the final Eagles leave, taking the Alphans to their new life of mindless comfort.
Koenig returns to the planet, and gives Helena electrical shocks to break the Guardian's hold. The girl warns the Alphans that Koenig is trying to resist them, but he shoots her. The girl is a robot, and once she is destroyed, the Guardian explodes. The Alphans run to their ships to escape. Now free of the Guardian's influence, life returns to Piri.
Thanks to Marcy. Contents copyright Martin Willey