The Catacombs Catacombs Reference Library
Space 1999 Cover Art

See US broadcast guide and TV Guide reviews

Cleveland Press
TV Showtime, Oct 31-Nov 7 1975

Shot is reversed left for right.
US (Ohio) 1975 (more)

US TV Guides

Detroit News
TV Magazine, 21-27 September 1975

US 1975

TV Time, Nov 30, 1975
The Herald Dispatch, Huntington, W.Virginia (Space: 1999 was shown on WCHS-TV channel 8 Thursdays 7pm)

Baltimore News American
TV Channels November 2, 1975 (more)

US TV Guides

Baltimore Sun
TV Week
August 31, 1975

US (Maryland) 1975

Philadelphia Inquirer TV Week

TV Week 12 October 1975
Philadelphia Inquirer

US TV Guides

Chicago Tribune TV Week
November 30 - December 6, 1975

Chicago Tribune

US TV Guides

(Unknown newspaper)
TV Week
November 5-11, 1976

US 1976

US TV Guides

TV Prevue 5-11 October 1975
Chicago Sun Times

Eagle spaceship travels from its base on the moon to a fateful journey through the vastness of the universe. Martin Landau, Barbara Bain and Barry Morse star in the one hour science fiction series of man's ultimate adventure, premiering on Channel 9 Sunday at 5:30pm.
Actually it's a Hawk, not an Eagle (a test shot from War Games, showing the original paint scheme).

Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin TV Time

TV Time 21 September, 1975
Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin

St Louis Post Dispatch
Television, December 7-13, 1975

US (Missouri) 1975. See also Year 2 version

US TV Guides

St Louis Post Dispatch
Television 10 July 1977

US (Missouri) 1977. See also Year 1 version

US TV Guides

TV Channel Choices, 16-22 November 1975,
Sunday Call-Chronicle (Allentown, Pennsylvania)

Cincinnati Post TV Plus

Cincinnati Post TV Plus, 13-19 September, 1975
"Mary Wood reports on Space 1999"

TV Times, Aug 17-Aug 23, 1975
L.A. Times TV listings supplement (more)

TV Week, Aug 17-Aug 23, 1975
Sun-Telegram, San Bernardino, California (TV station is KHJ in Los Angeles) (more)

Sacremento Bee TV Magazine, Sept 7-13, 1975
Sacremento Bee, Sacremento, California (more)

The TV Book, Aug 24-30, 1975
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York (more)