The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery
Deltan Command Module

Dragon's Domain

A few years before the series, Martin Bower had built a lunar station using two plastic neon strip light covers, detailed with the runners from the Airfix 1:76 "travelling crane" kit. Bower broke up the model and stuck the two "arms" together to form a separate craft in the spaceship graveyard of Dragon's Domain

The Metamorph detail

Shortly after, the ship was modified and put onto the front of the battlecruiser from Alpha Child/War Games. Another small spaceship made by Martin Bower, a satellite made from ping-pong balls, was fixed to the front. The repainted battleship was the Deltan ship in The Last Enemy.

This command module, with the ping-pong ball ship still on front, was detached and appeared in the graveyard in The Metamorph (note the Battlecruiser's original command module, Dione's lifeboat, a Collision Course mine and an Altares satellite).

The Metamorph The Metamorph The Metamorph The Metamorph

The Delta battleship existed intact and was displayed in exhibitions until 1981. Some time in the 1980s, Martin Bower got the command module and restored to its appearance in Dragon's Domain. It was redressed with a grey paint job replacing the yellow. The ping pong ball satellite was removed. The remainder of the battlecruiser remained in storage at Alton Towers until it was bought by Phil Rae in 1991.

Delta command module Delta command module Delta command module

Below: pictures thanks to Mark Shaw, shortly after he bought the model from Martin Bower. Note there's another 1:144 lunar module (front and back) from the Airfix Saturn V kit facing the radar dish.

Delta command module Delta command module

Copyright Martin Willey
