The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery
Year 2 Computers

After the series, these panels were displayed in the Blackpool and Alton Towers exhibitions. The exhibitions repaired studio wear and tear, making a number of changes. The top and bottom panels were repainted with a darker blue-grey colour. Some of the individual panels were swapped around and some removed, probably because some were damaged (by, for instance, explosive squibs). The individual panels were fixed in place with screws in the corners. The originals were simply slotted into the frame and held by cup hooks. As the rubber bands would perish over time, it was more secure to fix them permanently with screws.


This is first computer "bank" towards the front of Command Center. A couple of individual panels have been swapped with the second "bank". The panel in row 3 right ("Set"/"M90") is from the second bank, row 4 right. The panel in row 5 left ("Systems Analysis 3") is from the second bank, row 3 right.

The Exiles
Handles These handles appear on the fifth row panels.
Vent Louvre ventilator panels appear on the second and sixth row panels. In Year 1, these were mostly pale gray painted squares, but in year 2 real surface mounted ventilator panels were screwed in. In close up you can see the name of the original manufacturer on the top: Stadium.

The panel has the title "Circuit Brakers" (sic- not circuit breaker, as in the electrical switch, but braker as in the mechanical device to slow motion).
The top part has the label "Reset" and a series of buttons with labels, the bottom part has the labels "main feed" and "emergency reserve". The labels:


This panel has a red button labelled "Set" top left, and the label "M90" in the top right.
Other labels are "Temp", "Malfun.", "0°", "90°", "Radiation" and "Safe", "Countdown", "Set", "3A-S".


Labelled top left "Control" and top rigt "PH.M".
Left are labels "Gymbols" and "Check List" with lights "1" and "2", and a yellow outlined list (below), and the labels "Stability" and "Sets"


Close up of the "Control" panel.
Centre-top is the small label "reserve select" and a large yellow hexagon with flip switches marked "Ignite" and "Seq.Start" (in The Exiles, Tony flips this second switch up to hook up the Main Computer to the underground research lab)
Right are lights labeled "press", "Stae", "S/B", "pre-nav.", "1 2", "COM", "seq. start"

Into Infinity (35k)

In Into Infinity, this panel appeared in the spaceship console, with the caption "Photon Drive".


This panel is labelled "Life Support 1" and "LS1"
Labels include "Test", "Analysis", "CO2 Content", "Oxy.", "'g' stress", "supply", "reserve", "Norm.", "emergency pressurisation", "Oxy. Level", "Air Cond.", "Pho[to]n Rad.Level", "screens", "temp.", "Computer D/L"


This panel is labelled "Systems Analysis 3".
Labels include "Seq Start", "Fuel Ino.", "Grav Gen", "Main Seq" and "Gyro".


This panel is labelled "Gravity Generator" top left, and "A6" top right.
Labels include "Systems Supply", "STA.6", "stress", "New Codes"


Close up of the "Gravity Generator" panel, showing labels "Back up", "Pre Ht"

Images copyright Martin Willey
Page copyright Martin Willey