It's ironic that Airfix made a kit of the Hawk, as many of their kits were used to construct it- particularly the Saturn IB and V rockets, plus decoration from the Lunar Module, Harrier and other kits. The markings are decals from the 1/24 Harrier. Over the port wing is the decal "Servicing Ground Supply / 200 Volts / 400 Cycles". On the side boosters is a red "Danger" decal, with the text "Power Control and Jet Blast".
- Command module

- Scratch built, nose cone from 1/24 Harrier. The orange is Tamiya Orange X6, over the base white (Trimite Primer).
- Fuselage
- Each side is an Airfix Saturn V 2nd stage tank extended with Airfix Saturn IB 1st stage tank; joined by a 2 inch wide central section. Decoration includes Airfix Lunar Module, B29 Superfortress, Matilda tank and 1/24 scale Harrier. Boosters on the base are mattress vents
- Side boosters
- Kitchen roll cardboard tubes. Conical ends are from the bottom of the Saturn V 3rd stage. The rocket bells are caps from a bottle.
- Weapon pods
- Wing pylons
- Decoration from Airfix 1/24 Harrier and Vostok kits
- Inner rectangular pods
- Modified Harrier wing pylons.
- Weapon pods
- Modified 1/24 Airfix Harrier drop tanks (fitted back to front). On front, Matra rocket pod noses from the Harrier kit, cut off with a tube from the Airfix Bismark at the end. On the back, ribbed wedding cake stands and the inner half of Harrier wheels.
- Main rocket
- Main rocket bell
- Made from two Caddymatic tea dispensers (one inside the other) and an Airfix Saturn V third stage ring. Inside the engine bell is a tube for mounting the model for filming; the tube is a 5/8th" chromed shower rail that runs through the model.
- Main rocket reaction sphere
- Domes from Airfix Saturn V 1st and 2nd stage fuel tanks, with Saturn V 1st/2nd stage adapter ring between them.
- Main rocket base
- Saturn V third stage adaptor ring. Decoration includes Airfix Bismarck gun turrets and Apollo Lunar Module ascent stages.