The Catacombs The Continuity Guide
Moonbase Guide
by Martin Willey

Experimental Lab

Voyager's Return

This Experimental Lab is seen in Voyager's Return. Research is focused on spacecraft control systems: the Queller drive control system is recreated here, and Queller's drawing board shows blueprints of an Eagle.

Voyager's Return

The interior is cluttered with apparatus (in the foreground, the Queller drive control system).

Voyager's Return

View to the door. The far wall is a bank of computers. The tall gray apparatus behind is a DeVere 504 Cathomag vertically mounted photographic enlarger. The Cathomag name and DeVere logo are clearly visible. It is also seen in Space Brain's Technical Section.

Voyager's Return

The opposite view, showing the office area left.

Voyager's Return

Close view, showing the door to the office; another door can be seen.

Voyager's Return

The wall beyond the Voyager control system.

Voyager's Return

This view shows the observation window into the office, where we see a cupboard alcove for hanging lab coats.

Voyager's Return Voyager's Return

Another view through the windows shows the 12 foot square office. The back wall is filing units.

Voyager's Return

The exterior door. The unusual door design is also used for the Nuclear Generating Area 3 doors.

Voyager's Return

View through the door into the corridor. There are communications posts outside, and inside to the left of this shot (both are designated "T").

Voyager's Return Voyager's Return

This is the interior communications post.

Voyager's Return Voyager's Return

Notice the far corner of the main lab extends round the edge of the office, making it "L" shaped.

Copyright Martin Willey