The Catacombs The Continuity Guide
Moonbase Guide
by Martin Willey

TechLab 5

The Beta Cloud

TechLab 5 featured in The Beta Cloud. The vacuum chamber is used to test spacesuits (according to the script; note the spacesuit draped over the work bench and the "1996" spacesuit backpack on the wall, as seen in Brian The Brain). Unlike the normal airlock doors, the chamber has a substantial pressure door, of the same design used in the Nuclear Generating Areas.

The desk is part of Koenig's Command Office desk, with one of the Main Mission keyboards

Illustrated in Moonbase Alpha Technical Operations Manual by Chris Thompson (2021); page 55

The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud The Beta Cloud

Copyright Martin Willey