The Catacombs Catacombs Model Gallery
Nuclear Waste Domes

Nuclear Waste dome 3, from Bringers Of Wonder.

The Bringers Of Wonder part 1 The Bringers Of Wonder part 1 The Bringers Of Wonder part 2 The Bringers Of Wonder part 2
Bringers Of Wonder set visit

A set visit (described here) with dome 3 in front.

Space City

It was displayed at Space City from 1977 to 1981 (here bottom left). The small domes and pipes to the side are still intact, but were broken and discarded at some point.

Dome 3 at Space City, with one of the mid-sized domes used in background shots. Photograph by Phil Rae.

Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome
Nuclear waste dome

The rear of the dome. The structures on the extension (one is missing) are the bases of Airfix Saturn V rockets with an EMA dome.

Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome Nuclear waste dome

At the London:2024 convention

Contents copyright Martin Willey