This is an undated note from producer Sylvia Anderson to the Landaus, from Martin Landau's archives.
It is difficult to date the note, but it is either late 1973 or early 1974. The references to transmission time in September (1974), the possibly of a network slot and talk of a script from America all date it very early in production.
The "decision time" in November could be a sales decision, perhaps selling the series to a US TV network as mentioned on the third page. This could date it to October 1973, before filming started. If this refers to November 1974 (perhaps more likely with with production "from now and ..."), it could also refer to the renewal for a second series.
The reference to the UK newspaper Daily Express probably dates this to February 1974, as the paper published the earliest feature on the series on 2nd February 1974 (the Express would do follow-up features closer to transmission time, although that transmission time was delayed by a year from September 1974 to September 1975).
Lew Grade was the chairman of ATV and its production company, ITC. Why the emphasis on an unplanned meeting with Grade? Perhaps to pressure him on the "decision time", either ITC selling the series to a US network, or perhaps to keep up the production momentum beyond that date with a second series.
Two other people mentioned are both US based. Dick Blodget (see here) was Landau's agent at the IFA talent agency. Gene Schwam was a Hollywood publicist who represented Landau, Elvis Presley, Julie Andrews and many others. The script must have been written by an American writer (perhaps represented by Schwam). We know of two scripts by American writers. It could have been "A Breath Of Death" by Irving Gaynor Neiman. It was probably not "Siren Planet" by Art Wallace (which would be rewritten as Matter of Life and Death). If this note is from February 1974, they had already filmed the episode.
The Cannes film festival is actually in May, but the MIPTV festival (the television industry equivalent) is held in Cannes in April (in the same location, the Palais des Festivals). Did Sylvia really mean the TV festival at Cannes, or the film festival which might imply a Space 1999 film (or compilation film)? ITC, making both films and TV series, would be well represented at both Cannes events, and would certainly have promoted the series heavily at MIPTV in 1974 and 1975. Actor Paul Kirby remembers going to Cannes at the same time as Landau, who was promoting the series.
Dear Barbara & Martin:
Am planning on being in London on Monday & thought I would 'drop in' at ATV & have an impromptu chat with Sir Lew - perhaps by that time I would have spoken to Dick & seen the script that Gene mentioned - I would then be able to talk about the future of Space: 1999 (forgive the pun!) & production between now & decision time in November. I am deliberately making my visit an informal one & not a planned appointment - What do you think?
Have spoken to Yvonne re: the publicity points & she will be in touch with you before going away on Sat. - I think the EXPRESS should do a follow up article on you both nearer transmission time which is now SEPT. I believe - NETWORK!
Also I think CANNES Film Festival in April ought to be well represented by Space: 1999 don't you?
Copyright Martin Willey