The Catacombs Catacombs Credits Guide
Martin Landau Archive

Actor Martin Landau kept lots of paperwork for the series, giving us a unique insight into the making of the series.


Landau kept shooting scripts, some with comments and doodles, schedules and call sheets for most episodes, plus the year 1 wrap party and the year 2 promo films. See Script to screen for (very) detailed analysis.

Video tapes

Landau had most episodes on U-Matic tapes. These were original prints from ITC New York, not off-air recordings. See more

Production documents


Landau kept a large amount of US and UK press coverage of the series, and some limited press from other countries. Most was in the form of clippings, with some full newspapers/magazines (for instance, this copy of New Reveille, 1974).

Copyright Martin Willey